When your normal is anything but normal, small kindnesses and experiences can make a world of difference.

We want to make that difference.


Dream it.

Seeing struggling families and broken lives around us is all too common place. So often, children and teens are the ones who are impacted the most deeply. We have wished for a way to offer them some healthy normalcy and help them regain some confidence in their worth and abilities. They are often handicapped in basic life skills and social etiquette, which puts them at a distinct disadvantage when moving toward adulthood.

Plan it.

Seeking a path to reach these children who have a limited amount of healthy personal mentoring and experiential opportunities, we have come together with like-minded community members to create a variety of experiences and lifestyle education. Designed for fun, as well as practical benefit, plans include fishing, swimming, cooking, campfires, job applications, FAFSA forms, checking accounts, gardening, games, sewing, woodworking, interview tips and protocols, dining out, photography, and more. Boundless ideas continue to pour out from all directions.

Share it.

Sharing our dream and goals with others in our community, it quickly became obvious that many are eager and willing to contribute time, talents, skills, materials, resources, and money toward the goal of providing a more solid childhood for our local youth. One person could never make it happen, but when you involve the entire town….incredible things happen!


Social etiquette

Tipping a waiter, why you have two forks, how to order, putting a napkin in your lap - all are foreign experiences to many teens. It can be overwhelming if you have no idea how to dress or conduct yourself for an interview for a job, college, or housing rental.

We hope for our youth to go into the world with a strong handshake and confident eye contact as they work to become all they were created to be!

Sports and games

Learn to be safe in and around the beautiful Florida waters surrounding us— Kayaking, Boating, Swimming, Scuba Diving, and Fishing are all planned activities at our local Freeport Fishcamp! Youth can also learn to play corn hole, try their hand at archery, or help build a bonfire for s’mores and fellowship.

Guitar lessons and swimming lessons are offered by local lifeguards and musicians! We strive to introduce fun outside the virtual world.


What happens when…. Your tire goes flat? You need to plan a menu and shop for the supplies needed? You have never looked up and followed a recipe? You have no clue where to start, but need to do laundry?

We teach Financial budgeting, managing a checking account, interviewing for a job or college, filling out FAFSA forms, cooking classes, job applications, college and technical school applications, renting housing, and other skills needed to move on from high school.


All the possibilities for each child to grow.