Every child needs one adult who loves the child more than themself.
It Takes The Town, Inc is a non-profit established in Freeport, Florida. Our mission is to provide underprivileged children in our community with mentoring and opportunities for activities and programming to improve their childhoods and help keep them from a life of drugs/crime. Emphasis is on children of incarcerated parents.

Let’s make a difference.
Changing the world is possible… one child at a time.
Childhood experiences that many of us take for granted are not part of life for many children who are in unfortunate circumstances, through no fault of their own. We can give them some of those experiences, encourage their efforts, and improve their sense of accomplishment and self-worth.
Ready to take the next step?
Like learning to ride a bike, you just have to decide to jump on and move forward! Not sure where you would fit in? We will be glad to help you figure that out and welcome you to our team. Some of us teach, some collect and/or organize supplies, some lead excursions or come along as chaperones, some support us financially, and some may hang out in the background at an experience, looking for the child who needs a little extra encouragement.
Sign up for our mailing list and to be notified of opportunities and events.